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You Aren’t Failing (Even if you think you are)

You Aren’t Failing (Even if you think you are)

How many times have you felt like you are failing at weight loss? We’ve all been there. But, what if the belief that you are failing is actually creating the failure? The concept of failure and comparison is holding you back.  But, no matter what it looks like, you’re...
How Filling Your Bucket Helps You Lose Weight

How Filling Your Bucket Helps You Lose Weight

This morning, while running on the trails and knowing that I didn’t have to be anywhere at a specific time, I felt spontaneous and free. Like I could choose a different trail, go a different route and take my time. And when I finished my run I felt replenished. I had...
How to Lose Weight on Vacation

How to Lose Weight on Vacation

Do you find yourself looking forward to vacation but dreading what it might do to your weight loss?  You deserve a vacation and it shouldn’t create a feeling of overwhelm or dread. Losing weight while on vacation is a skill in its own right. But it doesn’t have to be...
Why is it Hard to Lose Weight as a Doctor?

Why is it Hard to Lose Weight as a Doctor?

One of the most damaging beliefs you can have is the feeling that as a Physician you should have your own weight figured out.  This topic comes up frequently in the Stress Eating SOS program. It’s this feeling that because you are a Physician you should have figured...
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