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Stop Holding Yourself Back

Stop Holding Yourself Back

How many times in a day do you tell yourself you didn’t do something quite good enough? Think carefully… This type of thinking often flies under the radar.  You may not notice it at first. Maybe it sounds like… … I should have caught that diagnosis earlier … Other...
How Scarcity Impacts Your Weight Loss

How Scarcity Impacts Your Weight Loss

“I don’t have time to get everything done” “I’m not going to have time to eat my lunch” “I’m not sure if this will be enough so I don’t get hungry” What’s similar between all of these statements? They are all based in scarcity- a sense of not having enough. And they...
Being Nice to Yourself: Why it is Worthwhile

Being Nice to Yourself: Why it is Worthwhile

When you are getting ready in the morning, how do you talk to yourself? When you catch that glimpse of yourself in a mirror during the day, what do you say to yourself? On a scale of 1-10, how positive are these conversations? If you scored yourself a 10 (meaning they...
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