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Can being “Lazy” help your weight loss?

Can being “Lazy” help your weight loss?

I was curled up on the couch digging into a good book (one of the Lady Sherlock series – have you read them? I’m totally obsessed with them right now 📖 ) It was a rare Friday morning where I didn’t have to run into work right away and the sun was shining through...

“I don’t think I can lose weight”

Many physicians have told me that they don’t think they can ever lose weight… … maybe because they look at their family and see an inevitable genetic destiny of weight issues … or because their body has changed (like with menopause) and isn’t responding the way it did...

Finding Balance: Juggling parenting, medicine & life

Work-life balance. Does it even exist?? Sharing my thoughts in this email and in this week’s episode of the Thriving As A Physician Podcast. I spent most of the early years of my career swinging wildly from feeling like I was doing okay and saying yes to the requests...
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