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Understanding Binge Eating

Understanding Binge Eating

Disclaimer: This blog post is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. If you feel you may have Binge Eating Disorder, please seek the care of your physician for diagnosis and treatment. Binge Eating Is A Spectrum Binge eating behavior...
Diagnosing Food Addiction: Interview with Dr. Vera Tarman

Diagnosing Food Addiction: Interview with Dr. Vera Tarman

Dr Vera Tarman is a world renown specialist of food addiction. She is the Medical Director of Renascent, Canada’s largest drug and alcohol residential treatment centre which offers a unique 28 day live-in treatment program for women with food addiction. Dr Tarman has...
How to lose weight in the summer

How to lose weight in the summer

Summer Always Starts With Good Intentions The weather gets warmer, the sun is out more, and there is a sense of excitement in the air.  If you are like me, you probably start your summer with good intentions.  You think about the delicious satisfying salads...
Thoughts are like Dominos

Thoughts are like Dominos

If only …. I wish….. Why can’t I… How much time do you spend thinking thoughts about yourself and your weight loss journey that start with these statements. When you are taking action to lose weight, do you wish you were doing something different? Do you wish you...
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