by Siobhan Key | Jun 29, 2020
If only …. I wish….. Why can’t I… How much time do you spend thinking thoughts about yourself and your weight loss journey that start with these statements. When you are taking action to lose weight, do you wish you were doing something different? Do you wish you...
by Siobhan Key | Jun 22, 2020
Past, Present and & Future You You can think of yourself as existing in different versions. There is the present version of you who is here in this moment, reading this blog. There are past versions of you who made the decisions that created the life...
by Siobhan Key | Jun 15, 2020
Sexuality is an important part of the human experience. And yet, when you are dealing with weight issues, it can be really easy to set it to the side. To think that you will be more interested, feel more ease when your body is a certain size or shape. Joining me this...
by Siobhan Key | Jun 8, 2020
There are probably a lot of things you trust yourself for. But is weight loss one of them? Why is it that we can trust ourselves to show up for work, to care for other people, to get things done in our life but find it hard to trust that we can care for our...
by Siobhan Key | Jun 2, 2020
The middle ground. Not good, not bad. Manageable. Sustainable. When you are working on losing weight for good, feeling neutral about the process is the best place to be. You don’t always have to be excited and sometimes feeling too excited can actually trip you up....
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