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3 Steps to take “diet” out of your weight loss

We all dread being on a diet. Nobody dreams of living her life on a diet. So why do we keep returning to them again and again when we want to lose weight? Because we have never been taught a better way. You have been taught a one note response to your weight concerns....

Top 6 Weight Loss Skills

The flutter starts in my stomach and builds into my chest.  A slow smile spreads to my face.  I welcome the excitement in…  It signals that I have an idea that will make a big difference to the physician in front of me. She isn’t feeling excited.  Anything but! ...
When You Just Can’t Stop Eating

When You Just Can’t Stop Eating

As doctors, we know what we “should” be eating to be healthy But many of us (myself included) often find ourselves eating the complete opposite. It’s not like when we are hitting the drive through <yet again> in a week that we are mistaking the food served in...
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