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Thriving as a Physician

How to Lose Weight & Love Your Life


Physicians… Ready to lose weight and manage emotional or binge eating while loving your life more?

Hosted by Dr. Siobhan Key, an Obesity Medicine Physician and Certified Coach, this podcast teaches you practical, sustainable tools to lose weight and thrive in your life at the same time. Each episode will show you how to move away from always feeling restricted and frustrated to discovering what really works for lasting weight loss. You deserve to thrive. [Previously the Weight Solutions for Physicians podcast.]

Thriving as a Physician is available on your favourite podcast platform.

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Scroll down to check out the latest episodes.

4 Steps to Overcome Weight Loss Obstacles as a Physician

You’ve been doing well—eating healthier, feeling more in control, and thinking, This time it’s really working. But then life happens. Maybe you’re running late after a packed day of back-to-back patients, or a crisis with your staff throws your whole schedule into...

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A New Year’s Approach That Feels Good & Works Better

A Different Approach to New Year’s Goals Every January, I see it happen again and again—women physicians, already carrying the weight of busy schedules and endless responsibilities, set ambitious New Year’s goals. "I’m going to lose weight this year." "No more stress...

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Stop Obsessing About Food

How to Stop Obsessing Over Food: A Guide for Busy Physicians Do you ever feel like food takes up way too much space in your mind? You’re standing in the hospital break room, staring at a plate of cookies someone brought in. Your brain is already buzzing with noise: “I...

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How Women Physicians Can Practice Self-Care During the Holidays

It’s 6 a.m., and you’re already rushing. You skip breakfast because the kids need help getting ready. The clinic is overbooked, and by the time you finally sit down at your desk, it’s well past lunchtime, and all that’s left in the lounge are cookies and leftover...

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Holiday Survival Guide Part 3: Treats Without Guilt

Have you ever looked at a plate of holiday cookies and thought, Why can’t I just enjoy these without feeling so out of control?   If that sounds familiar, you’re going to love this week’s episode of the Thriving as a Physician Podcast.   This is part three...

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Holiday Survival Guide: Part 2

Picture this: the holiday table is overflowing with food. You’ve eaten enough to feel satisfied, but now come the food pushers:     “Oh, you’re not having seconds? Don’t you like it?”     “It’s the holidays—live a little!”     “Have another piece. I...

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Holiday Survival Series Pt 1: Recognizing Your Triggers

It’s the holiday season again. As a physician, you’re balancing patients, deadlines, and long hours—but now you’re also dodging breakroom cookies, holiday potlucks, and family food pushers. Does this sound familiar? You’ve been running behind on notes all day,...

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How to Thrive in Your Weight Loss & Life

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