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You are in the final stretch

The month of December is a marathon when it comes to weight loss. There are so many opportunities to eat food you don’t normally eat. Temptation is everywhere!

No matter what has happened so far this month, hang in there.

If things have started to slip, now is a good time to re-evaluate your motivation. Why do you want to stick to an eating plan? Why is it important to you? Why does losing weight mean more to you than the tempting food you are exposed to?

The number one thing to keep in mind is, no matter what happens, you need to be nice to yourself.

Do not beat yourself up for overindulging over the holidays. It offers no benefit. None. Zip. All it does is make you feel bad and be more likely to overeat in the future. That’s when you can feel that you are spiralling out of control but really it is just that your negative thoughts are creating a self fulfilling prophecy.

If you overeat or eat foods you didn’t plan on, approach it with curiosity. Be compassionate. Learn from the situation but don’t beat yourself up. And then move on.

Focus on making the next best choice.

You’ve got this. Have a great December!



Do the Holidays Trip You Up?

Private Weight Solutions Coaching can take you from having to spend the beginning of the new year taking off the weight you gained over the holidays to sailing through December relaxed and with your weight loss intact. No will power required. Book your free introductory session now to learn more about how I can help you.


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