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If you had a magic wand, what three wishes would you want in your weight loss?

Fill them in below…

Wish 1….

Wish 2….

Wish 3…

I ask this question of physicians who are joining Stress Eating SOS and these are some of the common wishes I hear:

  • To stop overeating and binge eating at night 
  • To be able to stick to healthy eating without feelinging like I am always on a diet
  • To feel less stressed and tired all of the time
  • To not feel obsessed with food
  • To just not want the chips and sugar anymore
  • To lose weight without the yo-yo

Are any of these on your list?

All of these wishes are possible.  And you can achieve them without finding a magic wand.

No magic needed.

What is needed is a different approach.

And the first step is to start to think in Possibility.

Just asking yourself “What if it was possible?” will start to create powerful change in your weight loss (and your life).

Listen to this week’s podcast below to learn how to use the power of Possibility to supercharge your weight loss and make your wishes come true.

And when you are done, be sure to get your name on the waitlist for the next group of Stress Eating SOS.  Inside this program, I will show you how to make all of these wishes a reality.  Click here to join the invitation list.  

    Rewire Your Cravings WorkshopREGISTER TODAY