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Playing the “What If???” Game

Picture your goal.  You know… the one that makes your IBS flare up a little when you think of it… 😆 Picture your biggest dream. And then notice what comes rushing in behind it. Listen for the voice whispering (or shouting)… “What if I can’t do it??” That voice...
How Scarcity Impacts Your Weight Loss

How Scarcity Impacts Your Weight Loss

“I don’t have time to get everything done” “I’m not going to have time to eat my lunch” “I’m not sure if this will be enough so I don’t get hungry” What’s similar between all of these statements? They are all based in scarcity- a sense of not having enough. And they...
Possibility in Your Weight Loss

Possibility in Your Weight Loss

If you had a magic wand, what three wishes would you want in your weight loss? Fill them in below… Wish 1…. Wish 2…. Wish 3… I ask this question of physicians who are joining Stress Eating SOS and these are some of the common wishes I hear: To stop overeating and...
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