by Siobhan Key | Jul 17, 2023
Do you shudder when you think about “reducing your portion sizes”? 🥴 It’s such common diet advice (and a solid part of the old “eat less, exercise more” philosophy we were all trained in) that many of us walk around thinking about reducing portion sizes but finding it...
by Siobhan Key | Jun 19, 2023
Shame is sneaky. Shame sounds like it is just stating the truth to you and keeping you honest. So shame often goes unnoticed and can creep into all areas of your life. The problem is that this “truth” makes you feel like shit. When you feel like shit, you are so...
by Siobhan Key | Jun 12, 2023
You are stronger than you think. You are more successful than you think. You are more resourceful than you think. I promise. Even in your weight loss. Every single time you have tried to lose weight, you have built strengths, had successes and solved problems that you...
by Siobhan Key | May 1, 2023
If food cravings, stress eating and eating habits are driving the bus in your weight loss, then this week’s episode on the Thriving As A Physician Podcast is for you. It’s exhausting to feel controlled by food. You are trying to eat healthy and lose weight but at the...
by Siobhan Key | Apr 10, 2023
The flutter starts in my stomach and builds into my chest. A slow smile spreads to my face. I welcome the excitement in… It signals that I have an idea that will make a big difference to the physician in front of me. She isn’t feeling excited. Anything but! ...
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