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What if it doesn’t have to be this way?

What if it doesn’t have to be this way?

I know how hard it can be to feel like you’re just surviving each day. As physicians, we’re conditioned to believe that the stress, exhaustion, and endless to-do lists are just part of the job. You push through, grabbing whatever food gets you through the day, and...

Enjoy one cookie and move on: The missing weight loss skill

“I’ll just have a handful of chips”… and suddenly the bag is empty   “Those cookies look really good – I’ll just have one”… and then you blink and find yourself finishing your fourth (even though you feel pretty full already)   “It’s...

Restriction v.s. Abundance

Restriction sucks big time.  I suspect you agree with me on this.  None of us like to be restricted. But the moment we start thinking about losing weight, we are shifting into restrictive thoughts… “I guess I can’t have cream in my coffee any more…” “So & So on...

Dealing with tough things

As much as I wish a smooth and happy life for you, the reality is that tough things are going to happen. Knowing what to do when the tough things happen is an important skill for managing your weight long term. Often a big life event is what leads to people regaining...
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