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An Interview with Dr. Sylvia Tara

An Interview with Dr. Sylvia Tara

Today I am happy to welcome Dr. Sylvia Tara to the podcast. Dr. Tara was driven to research fat, science, and lifestyle after she finally got “fed up” with eating less and exercising more than her slimmer friends throughout her life. Her experiences told...
Sugar- Free: Interview with Michael Collins

Sugar- Free: Interview with Michael Collins

Today, I am happy to welcome Michael Collins to the podcast. Michael believes sugar addiction is very real and not to be taken lightly. As a person in long-term recovery from substance use disorder for over thirty-five years, he took a very keen interest in what sugar...
Stress Eating & the Pandemic 1 Year Later

Stress Eating & the Pandemic 1 Year Later

A year ago when everything changed in the matter of a week, I was thinking that it would last multiple months and that I needed to just settle in and try to accept the changes. Flash forward a year and our numbers are going up again and restrictions have been...
How to Stop Evening Overeating

How to Stop Evening Overeating

The Evening Eating Cycle Picture this, you start the day off focussed and committed to your health goals. Breakfast goes well, so does lunch. You head into the afternoon feeling good and confident. Then all of the sudden, you get blindsided by food cravings and find...
How to Stop Your Internal Tug of War

How to Stop Your Internal Tug of War

Do you ever feel pulled in two opposite directions? Now, being a physician, your answer is probably, “Yes, all the time!”. But what I am talking about today is not external forces dividing your energy… but the times where you are pulled in two directions in your own...
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