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An Interview with Dr. Sylvia Tara

An Interview with Dr. Sylvia Tara

Today I am happy to welcome Dr. Sylvia Tara to the podcast. Dr. Tara was driven to research fat, science, and lifestyle after she finally got “fed up” with eating less and exercising more than her slimmer friends throughout her life. Her experiences told...
The Good Food / Bad Food Trap

The Good Food / Bad Food Trap

What if there was no right way to eat? What if you were the best person to decide how you eat? What if you could decide day to day what you want to eat? And include foods, sometimes, that you like to eat…. and actually, trust yourself with those foods? The most common...
What’s Choice Got To Do With It?

What’s Choice Got To Do With It?

What does choice have to do with your weight loss? Everything. Have you ever noticed that when you follow a “diet” with rules and guidelines set out by someone else, about what you can and cannot eat, it feels crappy? Owning choice is one of the most powerful things...
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