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Piles of paperwork, open charts and running behind in the clinic got you down?

Then I am excited to invite you to listen to this week’s podcast.

Dr. Sarah Smith, the Charting Coach, is joining me to talk about office efficiency.  

That’s right – we are talking about all things related to staying on schedule and getting home on time with your work done.

Sarah Smith is a Rural Family Physician in Edson and as a Physician Coach she specialises in helping Physicians improve their office efficiency, particularly in the area of completing charting same day and assisting with strategies for getting today’s work done today.

This information should be required learning in medical training.  It is so important to physician health and job satisfaction.

Please consider sharing this episode with other physicians.  This one episode has a chance to change someone’s life.  It’s that good.

And it matters when you are a physician working on weight loss.

Having work to catch up on in the evenings and the stress of running behind during the day are the two biggest triggers for evening overeating for the physicians in Stress Eating SOS.

It is possible to enjoy your work again and not feel like the paperwork never ends.  

It is possible to feel in control of your eating even after your busiest clinical days.

Start by listening to this week’s podcast episode.

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