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Have you ever caught yourself thinking about your significant other… “Why do they always….” Or “I just wish they would….”

Then this week’s podcast episode is for you.

Relationships are a gift. They give us the opportunity for connection, companionship and intimacy.

But they can also drive us right up the wall!

And that’s ok. Navigating relationships means managing your own thoughts and doubts as well as someone else’s. And it isn’t always easy.

For a lot of the physicians I coach, relationship stress is a big driver for emotional or binge-eating.

There are tools you can use to make your relationships feel less stressful, and I am talking about them this week with my guest, Dr. Jessie Mahoney, MD. Jessie is a physician life coach with a focus on coaching in intimate relationships. She is also one of the guest coaches in Stress Eating SOS where she helps members around relationship and parenting difficulties.

Click below to listen to the full episode. Even though we are talking from the perspective of intimate relationships, you can apply these tools to all the relationships in your life.

Learn more about Dr. Jessie Mahoney here:

Website: Pause and Presence Coaching (



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