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This week’s podcast episode is for any physicians who struggle with binge eating.

Here’s the thing, I talk to physicians every day who have a history of binge eating. And yet every single one of them thinks they are the only one who is so out of control around food.

You are not alone.

A lot of physicians have binge eating.

It just seems like you are alone because nobody ever talks about binge eating. In fact, for many of the physicians I have worked with, it is one of the most closely guarded secrets they have.

It’s time to break the silence and normalize binge eating because the silence and the shame keep you stuck in this cycle.

There are reasons why physicians binge eat. Reasons that have nothing to do with food.

Binge eating in physicians is not a lack of knowledge issue – you know what healthy food looks like and you are hyper-aware that the food you binge on isn’t healthy.

So why does it happen?

Your brain is using food to fix a non-food issue.

It has good intentions. It wants you to feel better at the end of a long day. And the food does work…. temporarily.

Recovering from binge eating and stabilizing your eating means stop focussing on food and start really understanding what underlying issue your brain is trying to fix.

I share some of the most common drivers for physicians in this week’s Thriving As A Physician podcast episode. Listen to the full episode below.

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