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Regardless of where you are in your weight journey, you can pretty much assume you will have to deal with comments about your eating, your weight or your appearance.

Most of these will be well intentioned.

But that doesn’t mean they feel good.

When I am coaching physicians inside Thrive Academy for Physicians, this commonly comes up in a couple of different ways:

➡️ People commenting on your weight or eating and suggesting ways to help you (and although they may mean well, this can feel like a punch to the gut – especially when you are trying so hard and can’t figure out why you keep eating the junk food)

➡️ People commenting on your weight loss in a positive way.  “You look SO good!”… and yet it doesn’t always feel good to hear that and may actually trigger overeating later.  This is especially challenging as a physician when you may end up having discussions around your weight loss.  ( I found this really hard when I lost my weight – and share about it in this week’s podcast episode)

Learning how to navigate these comments without ending up sabotaging yourself is a skill.

And it’s a pretty important one.

Since you never have control over what other people say or do, you can assume you will continue to have comments on your eating, your appearance or your weight.

So the place to feel better is working on how you respond and what you make these comments mean.

Listen to this week’s episode below to learn how to start building this skill.

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