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Welcome to the second release of the Fresh Start podcast series!

I’m basing this series on a Fresh Start program I created for the members of Thrive Academy for Physicians.

I sat down and thought through the biggest barriers physicians face when trying to reach their goals and created an interactive workshop for each one.

This month I decided to share some of these tools with you on the podcast.

If you have been struggling with your eating for a while, it is time for a fresh start.

Continuing doing things the way you have been taught will only keep you stuck in the struggle.

Let’s move forward rejecting the aspects about managing our weight and eating that make us feel bad.

Start fresh with only things that make you feel good and work in your life.

Find easier solutions so you aren’t working so hard on this.

Meet yourself where you are at with all the amazing intricacies of your life and your preferences and set yourself up for success instead of fearing failure.

Sound good?

Make sure you have listened to the first episode in the series all about the power of beliefs.

And then jump into this week’s episode about releasing restriction and deprivation… They feel like crap so let’s all agree to not do them anymore!

Want to know how to move towards your goals without feeling restricted? I share my tips in the podcast – have a listen below today.

    Rewire Your Cravings WorkshopREGISTER TODAY FOR ONLY $49 (reg $99)