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“I’ll just have a handful of chips”… and suddenly the bag is empty


“Those cookies look really good – I’ll just have one”… and then you blink and find yourself finishing your fourth (even though you feel pretty full already)


“It’s been a tough day – I’m just going to have half of a doughnut in the lounge”… but then the box of slightly stale doughnuts pulls you back every time you walk through the lounge.


Most of us have dealt with these common scenarios.


This “one bite slide” can make it hard to trust yourself around food.  Maybe you even avoid the things you love (like ice cream) because you are so worried that a little bit will always turn into too much.


If this 👆is you, head to your podcast player and listen to this week’s Thriving As A Physician podcast episode right away.  You need to hear the tools I’m teaching.


Afterall, when you think about your future around food, you probably want to be able to enjoy cookies sometimes, or appreciate a good birthday cake without worrying that its going to take a ton of work to recover from it.


It makes sense that it feels hard to only have a little bit.  There are very good reasons why once we loosen the leash on a tempting food, our cravings take over and it feels like we lose control.


This happens because of how diet culture has taught us to think about food choices.


And you can change it.


Learning how to enjoy some of a food without losing control is a skill you can build.  And man, you are going to feel so much better with this skill under your belt.  You won’t need to fear any food or food environment because you will be the one in control of your food choices.


Start learning how to do this in your life by listening to this podcast episode below today.

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