I am joined by Dr. Brian Lenzkes in this weeks episode. Brian is one of the hosts of the Low Carb MD podcast and has recently started his new practice focused on medical weight loss and metabolic health. In his practice, Brian utilizes continuous glucose monitoring to help weight loss and chronic disease management in his patients.
After 17 years at his previous position, Brian discusses why he moved into his new practice. He was overworked, stressed, and overburdened with patients. There wasn’t enough time in the day to help everyone, let alone himself. Brian now focuses on a much smaller patient list of people who care about their health.
Much of what Brian focuses on is overlooked in the medical system. There is too much focus on treatment and not on preventative medicine, leading to an overabundance of sick people. At his practice, Brian looks at motivation and mindset as well as dietary changes. Sugar addiction and the mentality surrounding it is a real struggle for patients, and Brian works to build a supportive community amongst them.
There is also a greater need to focus on metabolic health. Often overlooked in favor of calorie counting, Brian explains it is just as important to look at how you are fueling your body and working on becoming fat adapted. Using up those fat stores instead of running on sugar will ultimately lead to feeling more energized.
Key Takeaways:
- Why we should be focusing on insulin levels in overweight patients.
- The role of continuous glucose monitors in managing obesity.
- How mindset and motivation impact the weight loss journey.
- The fight against sugar addiction.
- The importance of metabolic health.
Find out more about Dr. Brian Lenzkes and his practice: https://lowcarbmdsandiego.com
Check out the last time Dr. Lenzkes was on the podcast here.
What you believe matters in weight loss. Get your 10 Powerful Weight Loss Beliefs at: https://weightsolutionsforphysicians.ca/weight-loss-beliefs
Contact me here: info@weightsolutionsforphysicians.ca
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