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Welcome to the fifth episode in the Weight Loss Kickstart series on the podcast! The episodes in this series were originally recorded during the live sessions in my recent Kickstart Challenge.  They are so full of valuable information that I couldn’t keep them to myself. I am excited to share them with you over the next couple of weeks. 

Even if you participated in the challenge live, I encourage you to listen again. You may discover new details and new information that you didn’t catch the first time around.

How do you measure your progress in weight loss? The scale is a one dimensional measure of progress, and yet your brain values the scale above all else. This is important to notice, because it creates a lot of issues, and yet you use it to track your progress without looking at all of the other signs of progress. 

Remember to focus on other measures of progress beyond the scale. 

The scale is meant to be a tool, and is not meant to define you or your worth. 

How else can you track your progress? These other measures are more important and more powerful than any number on the scale:

  • Not binging. This is a way bigger measure of progress than what the scale says. 
  • Focussing on the habit changes that you’re making. Even if the scale isn’t moving but you know that you’ve been cooking more or tracking what you eat, that is a success on its own.
  • Handling difficult situations without eating. If you notice that something stressful that would usually cause you to go look for snacks, doesn’t create this same response, that’s progress!
  • Body measurements can be so powerful. The scale might not move for months but you are losing significant inches. 

There are so many more powerful and significant ways that you can track your progress in conjunction with the scale. 

When you are just getting started, creating a keystone habit is a helpful way to approach your weight loss in a way that feels easier. Think about what you can do for yourself that then helps make it easier for you to create change.

Some examples of a keystone habit might be:

  • Journaling. The act of sitting down and writing what’s on your mind creates the mindset that makes the change easier to do. 
  • Go for a walk or do another form of self care. It can be something small.
  • Order groceries so that you have them in the house.

Listen to the full episode to learn more about how you creating keystone habits and tracking progress can help make it easier for you to initiate the change you are looking for. 

Check out the FREE Weight Loss Kickstart for Physicians mini-course to get started today.

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