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Welcome to the Weight Loss Kickstart series on the podcast! This exciting series is jam packed with information to help you start losing weight in a way that will actually last by creating a customized approach that fits your life and your body. And as always, we lead with the most compassionate, kind and enjoyable process because that is when it not only becomes sustainable but also makes your life better.

Lose weight and make your life better? Win-Win. And that’s what I will teach you to do inside this series.

The episodes in this series were originally recorded during the live sessions in my recent Kickstart Challenge.  They are so full of valuable information that I couldn’t keep them to myself. I am excited to share them with you over the next couple of weeks. 

Even if you participated in the challenge live, I encourage you to listen again. You may discover new details and new information that you didn’t catch the first time around.

This first episode is an introduction to the Kickstart process. In this episode we talk about:

  • Why lasting weight loss takes a customized approach (no diets here)
  • How to design your weight loss in a way that will be easier to maintain
  • How to start moving away from the diet mentality that pushes you into restriction and deprivation (because those never feel good!)

Listen to the full episode to learn how you can get started with losing the first, or next, few pounds.

If you’ve been listening to the podcast and want to get expert support so you can reach your goals, check out the Stress Eating SOS program. This Exclusive to Physicians program is coming soon! Doors open on September 11th and are only open for 5 days. Join the invitation list today.

In this episode.

  • Why lasting weight loss takes a customized approach (no diets here)
  • How to design your weight loss in a way that will be easier to maintain
  • How to start moving away from the diet mentality that pushes you into restriction and deprivation (because those never feel good!)
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