Don’t Let this December Deplete You
Remember back when Christmas just felt magical and fun? And relaxing? One of the biggest downsides to being a grown up is that you become responsible for creating all that magic and relaxation for others. It’s like in the Wizard of Oz – once you peek behind the curtain, it’s hard to forget how much work and time go into making the holidays “magical”.
It is so easy to slip into the zone where you just go and go. Work, kids, all the regular things that make normal life busy and then you add in extra parties, shopping, gift wrapping, baking or cooking special meals etc.
One of the problems with all this busyness and all the demands on your time, is that it can impact your eating and your weight. If you push yourself with no opportunities for replenishing, you can feel depleted and honestly forget why you should care about your eating.
My challenge to you this December is to purposefully add self care into your schedule. Now I know this may seem overwhelming (it does a bit to me right now!) but this is so important. The holidays are not very fun if you exhaust yourself and undo all of your hard work in the process of creating “magic”.
So, go ahead – Say No to something. Take a less important thing off your list and put yourself back on it.
What would make your holidays magical? Is it time reading by the fire? Would having a bath a few nights a week help? Or maybe just some quiet time with your spouse. Whatever feels like it would be replenishing, add it into your calendar.
Listen to this week’s episode for more tips about how to fit more self care into your December.
Do the Holidays Trip You Up?
Private Weight Solutions Coaching can take you from having to spend the beginning of the new year taking off the weight you gained over the holidays to sailing through December relaxed and with your weight loss intact. No will power required. Book your free introductory session now to learn more about how I can help you.
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