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Exciting news! I’ve been recording a special podcast series for you called The Fresh Start Series.

The first episode of the series is available now. Check it out on your favourite podcast player (and hit follow so you don’t miss any of the other episodes in the series)

This 4 part series is designed for you if you like the idea of ditching diet culture and feeling better around food while also moving towards your goals but just don’t even know where to start.

You know how when you start trying to do things differently, it’s so easy to get snapped right back into thinking about all the food you “can’t” eat and feeling like it is going to take so much work to see any results?

That diet mentality runs deep. We all have so many years of being trained that the only path towards our goals is harder work and more restriction.

And yet, that very training slows you down and keeps you trapped in the yo-yo diet cycle.

It is my mission to help you break out of this frustrating cycle. Not only is it not needed, sticking with these ineffective cycles is harmful.

Start by listening to this week’s episode – it’s a really good one.

We start with looking at how just changing what you believe about your goals and your journey is the most powerful place to start.

And then make sure you keep an eye out for next week’s episode to continue making progress towards a completely new fresh start.

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