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Last week we talked about how to love your low carb eating (or any healthy eating).

This week I want to talk about the other side of the coin… how to manage feeling bored with your healthy food choices.

Because life is always 50/50.  Even if you follow all my tips from last week’s episode and really love the food you eat to lose weight, you will inevitably have days where you feel a bit bored by it.

And if you are still getting used to a new way of eating, this may happen more than occasionally.

This is totally normal.

Nothing is going wrong.

Feeling a bit bored by your healthy food is only a problem if you let it lead you away from your goals.

If you think that boredom indicates a problem, you are far more likely to go back to old eating habits.  And this reinforces the idea that unhealthy food is a more exciting choice for your brain.

Boredom is normal.  

Boredom is temporary.

Boredom often indicates that your brain is trying to use food for something other than fuel – like entertainment.

Check out this week’s podcast episode to learn my tips to manage food boredom.  So that you can stick to your healthy eating (even on the days where it feels boring) and reach your goals.

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