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Let’s start a conversation…

There are things in weight loss that just aren’t talked about.  The few times they are discussed, they are usually portrayed in a derogatory manner that puts the blame on the individual with the problem.  This is weight bias at some of its worst.  Media and society talk about the latest food plan that promises to make everyone thin over night or the newest exercise regime that will give magical results.  What they fail to talk about are some of the deeper issues that go beyond diet and exercise and impact an individual’s results with traditional weight loss approaches.  We need to talk about these things.  It needs to be discussed in a compassionate manner that supports the people who experience it and removes some of the stigma so they can more easily access help.

Binge eating is one of these underlying issues that is a secret for most people who struggle with it.  If it affects you, there is a good chance you have never told anyone about it.  And yet, you are not alone.  Binge Eating Disorder is the most common eating disorder.  It is estimated to affect up to 30% of people in weight loss programs.  In my experience, there are even more people who don’t meet full criteria for an official diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder but have some element of binge eating.

What is Binge Eating?

Lack of control is a hallmark of binge eating.  There is a lack of control over how often someone binges and there is lack of control during the binge.  Usually, there is significant remorse after the binge episode followed by being extra careful with food immediately afterwards.  Soon the brain starts to rebel and starts to obsess about food which sets up for another binge cycle.

This can be devastating for people who experience it.  Someone can be t following a way of eating and lifestyle change most of the time, but recurrent binges can be enough that they don’t get the results they hope for or may even continue to gain weight.

There are different treatments available for binge eating.  What is available will vary depending on where you live.  Generally, the base of most treatments is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).  In this podcast episode, we go through a CBT type structure for approaching bingeing behaviour that I think is really good.

You have to listen to this interview!

My guest in this episode is Lauren Ciesco. Lauren is a Certified Life and Weight Coach and is an expert in helping women end binge eating. She teaches women the tools they need to become the version of themselves that no longer struggles with food and teaches them how to become a normal eater. Lauren helps women break through the “diet mentality” thinking and self loathing keeping them in the binge cycle. Using both practical life coaching tools and cognitive based tools, she helps women rewire their brains so they don’t desire the food and they break free from the self sabotaging habits of bingeing. You can check her out at

I think this interview is great with really good practical tools to try. Lauren is awesome and very compassionate in her approach. Have a listen to the episode below and let me know what you think.


Do You Struggle with Binge Eating?


My personalized coaching for physicians can help you learn the skills to stop the binge cycle for good.  Binge eating is a problem that really benefits from having a supportive coach by your side. You don’t have to do this alone anymore, let’s figure it out together.  Book a free introductory session and start finding your solutions!


    FREE - Binge Freedom BootcampClick Here to Get Started