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A fresh, new year is stretched out in front of you… What do you want to create this year?

If you feel limited last year when I ask you that question, then make sure you check out last week’s episode here.

Let’s start 2022 by allowing yourself to dream a bit.

Dream about what you really want.

What would make you feel amazing?

What would excite you?

What do you want to be reflecting on at the end of this year?

When you dream, don’t let your brain limit you by looking for evidence of what you have done in the past or what you think might be possible.

When we have big dreams, we often edit ourselves and pull back a bit.

We don’t actually reach for the thing that we really want in our heart of hearts.

This year, go big.  Aim for the stars.

Choose a dream even if you don’t know how you will do it.

You don’t need to know all the steps right now.

Just decide that you are going to figure out how as you go.

And take that first step.

(psst…can I suggest a good first step?? It’s on the next line)

Listen to this week’s podcast episode to start 2022 with a bang! 

Here’s to a beautiful 2022 full of imperfections and learning (because that is the real currency of reaching dreams)

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